Moving on from Disappointment

Recently my little family unit has suffered a couple of setbacks and the main thing that has become apparent to me, is how differently we deal with them these days.

In the past when we had been working towards a goal or hoping for something to happen, it felt like the world was ending when it didn’t pan out exactly how we wanted it to. It cast a suffocating black cloud over every aspect of our lives. I know that sounds a little dramatic, but it’s the truth. I would look for someone to blame, go over and over what happened or how upset I was about it. It would affect me for days, sometimes weeks. The biggest problem was that I held happiness on the other side of that thing, because I never had the ability to look around and feel the joy in that very moment. We were always wanting more. It could be as simple as I’ll be happy as soon as this rain stops but what if it never stops, does that really mean you cannot possibly be happy? Or what if the rain stops but happiness doesn’t come, then what? You feel deflated, cheated, you begin to question everything.

Letting one little disappointment affect every single aspect of your life can result in a pretty miserable life. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have goals or things to look forward to but if they don’t happen or don’t happen the way you want them to, don’t let them drag you down. Take the pressure off. Find peace in the here and now. It’s ok to be disappointed, especially if you’ve put hard work in to achieve a goal, just don’t make your happiness so dependent on those things. Also, try not to spend time dwelling. Work with what you have, look around you and be grateful for what you do have. I am a firm believer of the universe delivering what you really need, not always what you want, but always what you need. So, if something doesn’t work out, it is most definitely because there is something else meant for you. Move past it and appreciate those special little things that surround you.

The Universe conspires to bring you everything you need
at the right time and removes the things you don't need.
Have faith that everything is happening for you and every
wrong thing can lead you to the right thing.’ Unknown


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